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2. Januar 2014

Emily's talking 'bout the Hudechek's

Hey guys!
This is Emily, Georgia's host sister, and I'm gonna tell y'all a little about my family.
First theres me, the youngest, and I share my room with Georgia. Im in 8th grade and am in all possible honors classes (math is algebra 1, honors science, and honors english/language arts), I'm really into sports such as cross country, basketball, track (100m hurdles, 100m dash, 400m relay, 2400, high jump, and possible pole vaulting this year), and lastly golf (which I'm not good at). Im also in UIL One Act Play as one of two female alternates. Band is last but not least. I play the trombone and I'm 1st chair.
My only other sibling is Sidney. She is a sophomore and in all available pre-AP classes possible. She also is in athletics but only does cross country and track. She is on the UIL Science team (which is where she is every day after school), and is the sound man for UIL One Act Play. She isn't really into doing homework an would rather just sit on her phone and text all the time. Sidney's not very social and doesn't have a lot of friends and the ones she does have are almost all guys.
As you already know I think, Georgia is the oldest child (junior in high school) so then its my dad, Brett. My dad works with his older brother at a fire and safety company in waco so thats kinda all he does. He's a good cook when he does cook and also does almost all the yard work and anything else thats manly outside (like putting up the christmas lights). He's pretty mellow except when sidney won't get off her phone, the most common result of that is her getting the phone taken away.
Last is my mother, Becky. She is a very good hair stylist and hands and feet person (like manis and pedis), so if you need a hair cut and you live near Hillsboro Texas, go to Salon 110 the Annex. Anyways, she is a good mother but she gets very stressed out very easily so we try not to do anything crazy around her. She does our laundry(thankfully) and most of the cooking.
Now that the people are taken care of, your gonna here about out zoo! Im gonna go smallest to largest so its not hard to remember. Sidney has three little baby red eared slider turtles in her room, there are two african clawed frogs that we've had forever and don't want but nobody will take them, I have a veiled chameleon in my room and is still a juvenile, and we just got a ball python named gregory from my aunt (temporary pet). Those are our reptiles and amphibians, now for the mammals. Outside in our barn i have four rabbits (two holland lops, one fat mini rex, and a californian), we have one chicken in the barn too, Apollo is our cat that lives outside and his some that is like his clones is Pan (everyone knows that apollo is a god but pan is also a god, look him up) they are annoying sometimes and crazy sometimes too, we have three dogs (Sunny is a fat yorkie/lhaso aspo mix that had puppies last fall) (Mercy is Sunny's daughter except she is part maltese too) (and Toby is a german shepard and maybe lab mix, he's really old and sweet but has bad hips) they are all inside/outside dogs, last and least is the horse Bluejeans (i don't like her and i want to get rid of her) she is a blue roan American Quarter Horse and she is for sale is anyone wants to buy her.
So thats our house of living things. I didn't take about Georgia because i was surpassed to talk about the Hudechek family only.

(P.S. Hudechek means carnivore so since Georgia's last name isn't Hudechek, I'm officially making the last name Jones mean carnivore too! eat more beef!)
PPS: Isn't she so sweet haha?!


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